Hi, I'm
Kory Holtz

I'm a writer looking to break out into the world. This is my portfolio for people interested in having me write for them.

[Sound of combat plays over a black screen]
In a world of conflict, one ruler raised amid war declaring
[Character portrait of the first ruler appears on the screen]
First Ruler
“Enough of this arbitrary violence! I will unify these lands so that all may prosper!”
[An image of the world appears behind the character portrait.]
And that they did
Over 10 years, the first ruler conquered territory by territory and brought every clan under one banner.
Some by diplomacy, others by force.
[Images and sounds fade out]
But as she promised, all lived in prosperity.
[soft drumming fades in as the screen scrolls across the first dungeon “Valley of the last conflict”]
After many decades passed and the ruler came inches away from their deathbed, the people worried.
If the first ruler is dead, who will stop the clans from fighting once again?
First ruler
“Worry not, my children, for I shall set the standard.”
First Ruler
“I will not name a successor, for I will let the convictions of one’s heart prove that they deserve my throne.”
And with that declaration, the Royal Fiesta began.
Every ten years, since the death of the first ruler, heroes and leaders alike take to the valley of the last conflict to put their convictions to the test.
Those who make it to the center of the valley are granted a seat in the Royal Fiesta.
There, they will fight to shape the world’s ideals and clash until only one leader stands, leaving them in rule for the next ten years.
[Screen stops on one man fighting a group of knights.]
Our story takes place on the 46th Royal Fiesta with a young man named Bryce Overdrive, a chef from a Yiskan village, who stumbled upon a squadron of knights determined to keep the current ruler in position.
Does he have what it takes to win the Royal Fiesta?
[Battle music kicks in with more intense drums and the fight begins.]
Scene - introduction to Bryce
[Opens on a battle, Bryce verse a group of knights]
Bryce Overdrive
“You know, if you get out of my way, I won’t have to kick you from the tournament so soon.”
Royal Captain
“It’s her Royal Highness orders to thin out the ranks. I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing, kid.”
Royal Captain
“Men! Ready arms and dispatch him at once.”
Royal Knight
“Yes sir!”
Bryce Overdrive
“Alright, hope you guys don’t mind being my morning warm up.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Now come at me losers!”
[Player gets control and fight begins]
Scene - After first fight
Bryce Overdrive
“Easy peasy!” Bryce said, dusting off his hands. “Now that I’m all limbered up, how about we claim the throne.”
[Player gains control and can explore the area. Dungeon music plays.]
Scene - Halfway through the dungeon
[Control is taken away. Bryce walks a few steps to a fork in the road then gets interrupted.]
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as ???-
“Hey, hold up!”
[Screen scrolls back the way Bryce came, showing a group of people walking up to him, the leader being Tristan.]
Bryce Overdrive
“Huh? You lost, pretty boy? The exit’s back the way you came.”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Haha, not lost, I’m more intrigued. “
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“I’ve been watching you since you took out those Royal Knights, and boy are you strong! So I find it weird that you’re alone.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Well, with goals like mine, you can’t let anything get in your way. Even if that means fighting the world alone.”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Hahaha, I like that answer!” the man said, clapping his hands. “But you will not make it through the tournament like that. So, how about you join my team?”
Bryce Overdrive
“Huh? Why would I join up with you?”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“To support the next great ruler, of course.”
Bryce Overdrive
“HAHAHA,” Bryce bellowed, his hands holding his gut. “It’s cute that you think it’s you.”
[Battle music plays]
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Well, how about I prove it’s me?” The man asks, readying his spear to fight. “I’ll show you how true greatness fights!”
[A large Falcon descends beside Tristan]
Bryce Overdrive
“Alright! Bring it on, pretty boy!”
[Battle between the two begin]
Scene - After fighting with Tristan
[Dust kicks up. Bryce and Tristan slide away from each other.]
Bryce Overdrive
“You’re not too bad at fighting.”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Yeah, you’re a lot stronger than I assumed.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Are you getting tired? I’ve barely broken a sweat.”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Not even the slightest!” The man said, spinning the spear above his head. “Time for my legendary-”
Ashley Flamespear -Noted as Lady with a big hammer-
“This match is a draw!”
[The battle music halts and Tristan turns back to his group as Ashley walks up.]
Ashley Flamespear -Noted as Lady with a big hammer-
“You realize to win a tournament you actually have to make it there, right?”
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“You’re right…” the man said with an audible sigh, his spear returning to his back. “Let’s call it a draw for now. Wouldn’t want to rob the people of the greatest fight in the competition.”
[Tristan walks up to Bryce, the rest of his group following behind him. Music returns to the dungeon theme.]
Tristan Flamespear -Noted as Man with fiery hair-
“Let’s meet in the competition again.” He said, extending his hand towards Bryce. “If I win there, you’ll join me. Deal?”
Bryce Overdrive
“Deal,” Bryce replied, slapping the man’s hand. “Look out for the name Bryce Overdrive.”
Tristan Flamespear
“And you watch out for Tristan Flamespear of the Faros tribe.” He said, chuckling as he shook the stinging from his hand.
[Tristan and his group walk past Bryce, heading towards the left path.]
Tristan Flamespear
”Till then, be safe! Wouldn't want the tournament to get too boring!”
[Ashley stops at Bryce.]
Ashley Flamespear -Noted as Lady with a big hammer-
“You’re welcome.”
Bryce Overdrive
“For what?”
Ashley Flamespear -Noted as Lady with a big hammer-
“You would have lost to my darling husband if I didn’t stop him. You should take this chance to get stronger, give him a fight he deserves.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Ha, is that so?” He asked as he stretched. “I’ll take the both of you on next time, show you how true greatness fights.”
Ashley Flamespear -Noted as Lady with a big hammer-
“Haha, cocky. I see why he likes you,” she said, brushing her hair back as she followed Tristan.
[Ashley goes down the same path as Tristan.]
Ashley Flamespear
“I’m Ashley. I’ll be seeing you on the battlefield, Bryce. Don’t dare disappoint us.”
Bryce Overdrive
“No need to follow their footsteps. A proper leader needs to carve their own path!”
[Bryce takes the right path, then the player regains control.]
Scene - After exploration
[screen scrolls up to show the gates he needs to pass through to finish the prelims]
Bryce Overdrive
“That must be the Royal Fiesta's gates, man this king stuff is a breeze.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Apologies young man, but her Royal Highness says no one can pass.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Not again…” Bryce said, sighing as he looked up at the voice.
[Camera pans back to Bryce, showing Regal standing on the mountain edge above him.]
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Turn around and I won’t have to hurt you.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Well, that’s stupid,” Bryce said, shoulder slouching as he pointed to the gate. “The tournaments that way.”
[Regal jumps down, blocking Bryce’s path. Boss battle theme plays.]
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Last chance…” the man asked, his hand resting on his blade.
Bryce Overdrive
“Well, that was quick. I thought people got less violent in their old age.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Should’ve seen me in my youth.”
Bryce Overdrive
“Haha, old timers got jokes!” Bryce yelled, his feet kicking up dust as he prepared himself. “Don’t think that means I’ll go easy on you.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Have it your way.”
[Regal Charges at Bryce and the fight begins.]
Scene - during the fight with Regal
[Dialogue happens after three turns]
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Tell me, why do you fight so hard?”
Bryce Overdrive
“Why are you asking that suddenly?”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“There’s no doubt I’m going to beat you, you know that. So what drives you to keep fighting?”
Bryce Overdrive
“Shut up! There’s no way I’m losing a fight to some lackey.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“So your reason to fight is more important than loyalty?”
Bryce Overdrive
“I fight for my people! That’s how I know I won’t lose. So stop running your mouth, old man.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“As you wish.”
[Bryce loses]
Scene - After fight with Regal
[Bryce gets thrown back away from the tournament entrance.]
Bryce Overdrive
“Shit, this isn’t good…”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Last chance, turn around.”
Bryce Overdrive
“You know, there are a few well-known phrases in the kitchen. One is, got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Is that so? You plan on turning me into an omelet?”
Bryce Overdrive
“No, but I do plan to crack a few eggs.”
[Bryce throws two eggs as he runs toward regal. Regal dodges both eggs before having one crushed on his face. Bryce runs past and to the gate.]
Bryce Overdrive
“See you later, egg knight! I’d stay to chat some more, but it’s really important I win!”
[One Bryce is gone. The screen scrolls back to Regal.]
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Her Highness is right, I am getting soft in my old age…”
Regal -Noted as Man in Black-
“Well, if everyone is as sentimental as me, maybe your convictions will win.”
[screen fades to black. Then white text appears.]
Prologue - When man takes on the world